Amrita Dravya Foundation
Amrita Dravya Foundation

Graam Vidya Daan

Knowledge  *  Culture  *  Empowerment

Knowledge is power. Culture and tradition are sustained by the backbone of transcendental knowledge which helps us to understand the purpose behind the way of life. Without knowledge, people can be easily swayed away from their cultural roots.

Our villages in India are currently being attacked by different ideologies which are trying to move them away from the culture of Sanatana-dharma. By going village to village, placing these transcendental books, teaching them our Vedic scriptures, we can preserve Sanatana-dharma and protect our Vedic culture.

Srimad-Bhagavatam is the essence of the vast ocean of Vedic knowledge of Sanatana-dharma. It contains every aspect of traditional Vedic wisdom on culture, ethics, sociology, art, politics, religion, philosophy, etc. and thus great need of an hour in villages marred with plethora of problems like alcoholism, abuse, poverty, suicides, unemployment, social injustice, and many more.

Through the Graam Vidya Daan (GVD) campaign, Srimad Bhagavatam in the local language are being placed in sarpanch offices and panchayat schools where villagers and children will be able to avail this knowledge.

People in villages are closer to nature and live a simple life. They appreciate these books and they are very eager to read them. Unfortunately, many of them are short of money. GVD campaign is an attempt to bridge this gap.

Andhra Pradesh







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